Ship Services is a service for ship operational activities starting from entering to exiting the Port, in this case the Company’s Main Products or Services in Ship Services include:

      a. Pilotage Service

    Towing Service is the Company’s Main Product or Service which includes pushing, pulling, cooperating, escorting and assisting ships moving in shipping lanes, anchorage areas, or ponds for mooring or to leave the pier.

    The process of Tugboat Service Services must be carried out for all ships located in the obligatory Pandu and Tug water areas where the Company has the obligatory Delegation area for Towage and Pilotage.

      b. Towage Service

    Jasa Pemanduan merupakan Produk atau Jasa Utama Perseroan yang wajib diberikan untuk melayani kapal masuk menuju dan keluar dermaga malalui alur Pelabuhan, agar navigasi pelayaran dapat dilaksanakan dengan selamat, tertib, dan lancar demi keselamatan kapal dan lingkungan.

    • Ship Guiding and Towing Services